Monday, December 20, 2010

Our Christmas Card

I'm sorry to those of you who I didn't get cards out to. I don't have a lot of new addresses and lost the return address labels I had pulled off, so here it is. Merry Christmas!!

Dear Family & Friends,

We hope you all had a wonderful year. Ours was busy, hard, and full of blessings.

Todd started the year by enrolling in the Welding program at Mountainland Applied Technology College. He has received a few certifications from the American Welding Society and is close to finishing up. Although he already knows a lot about welding, he has enjoyed learning the technical aspects, new processes, and improving on his skills. In the Spring Todd was called to serve as Elder’s Quorum 2nd counselor. He really enjoyed the calling, serving the people in the ward, and really learned from and loved the men he served with. However, a few months later he was released from that and called to serve on the Stake High Council. It has been an amazing opportunity for both him and our family. He has brought a new spirit and joy to our home and we are grateful for the opportunity to associate with such wonderful men in the Stake. He always finds time to be a great father and husband and the boys adore him and the things he teaches them. It is fun to see them mimic the things they see him do.

I continue to work at home for a real estate management company, mostly reviewing properties for banks or investors. I finally finished my Real Estate Schooling and passed all my tests, so now I am a licensed agent in Utah. It feels good to finally have it over with. Our ward split near the beginning of the year and I was released from the Relief Society presidency and now teach Valiant 9 in primary. They are great kids and I have really enjoyed it. We are teaching from the Old Testament and it has been so fun to become more familiar with those stories I have forgotten over the years. In mid-September we were surprised with some exciting news. We were excited and shocked to find we are expecting baby #4. We have always had to plan our pregnancies and take medication to conceive and I don’t usually get sick with pregnancy, so I couldn’t figure out why I kept getting food poisoning and was so tired. We are expecting our 1st little girl April 13th. It is a little overwhelming, as we only know about boys here, but we are very excited.

It has been a year of growth and change for Jared. He has recently taken his 1st few steps and I’m sure running is not far behind. He can say a few words including, “Hey, Dada, Mama, Dido (Michael), Jake, and Thank you”. He loves to watch his big brothers, but is no longer content to just watch. He tries to be in the middle of everything they do (much to their dismay at times). He has a fun personality and we love having him in our home.

Michael started Kindergarten this year. He is already becoming a great reader and loves to point out words, letters, and figure out sounds as we drive around. They are already writing sentences and I am blown away at how quickly they move through information. He is full of drama and everything is a huge deal. This year he started wrestling and is kind of a natural. He loves it. He also played soccer again and even scored a goal. He is such a great helper and is so proud to be a big brother. He is constantly making us laugh with things he says. For example he though a mustache was called a hash and Lehi was Ei - “like Ei Ei O?”.

Jake loves to do everything Michael does, which often causes drama when we have only 1 of something. He loves to torment Michael to make him scream. I love him to bits, but he is definitely the one who is turning me gray. He started preschool this year and loves it. He is extremely active, but his teacher assures me it is pretty normal. He is excellent at puzzles, building things, and memorizing poems and articles of Faith. He has his sweet moments, loves to cuddle, and loves to make us laugh. He is definitely the clown of the family.

We are grateful for this time of year to focus on the blessings we have, the birth of our Savior, and love of family and friends. We love you all and hope you have a wonderful Holiday. Good luck in the New Year.

Love, Todd, Bridgette, Michael, Jake, Jared, & Baby

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our Stockings were hung with care

My Aunt Trudie is an amazing cross stitcher and makes these stockings for our whole family. She recently finished up Jared's. I find them all so special, I thought I should display them.

Here is mine. The 1st generation done probably about 25 years ago.
We laugh that they sure have changed over the years.

Thanks Aunt Trudie. We LOVE Them!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It shouldn't be funny

We made cookies last night and the boys were jockeying for position to watch them bake. I know I shouldn't find them fighting funny, but last night I did. See if you agree.
Jared's not about to be pushed around.

Jared's 1st Steps

Riding with Dad

I was trying to be sneaky and film Jared talking to himself in the mirror. Instead he decided to take some of his 1st steps. Unfortunately the camera was aimed at his face and not his feet.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Todd and I were talking and even though some things are harder and more stressful for us than they have ever been, we have never felt so close, at peace, and blessed as we do at this time. I truly believe the Lord is mindful of each of our situations and when we look at what is most important in life, we can see the blessing He has poured out upon us.

It was our year to spend Thanksgiving with the Nielsen's. Trudy had a cute turkey project to make when we got there.

Yum! Oreo turkeys.

After the kids found all the hidden turkeys, we had a turkey toss.

It snowed Wednesday so the boys went out to build a snowman. Jared was right in there putting his hat on and trying to grab his shoes. Poor kid. He just wants to be with Big Brothers.

Friday we attended the Parker party and had a special guest.
(I love that my boys will not look at me when I'm saying "Look at me, Look at me" :-? I took like 10 photos and this is the best . . .

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween

Michael sold so many cookies for his school fund raiser, that he was invited to enter the Money Machine and try to catch money. He was so excited! He even asked Jake to pray for him at breakfast so that he could do well.

Not too bad! $6 and a free taco in 10 seconds. He was pretty happy with that.

Happy Halloween!!

Friday Michael wore his Jedi costume to school and Jake wore Robin. They wanted to dress up Jared, so we tried on the Devil costume.

So Cute!!

Saturday was rainy. We made a quick trick to the Trunk or Treat.

We had 30 min without rain and then it started coming down again.

It stopped about 6:30, so Todd was able to take the boys to some houses.

I was a princess with my Dragon

Here is Ironman, our Dragon, and Robin

My Hero!

And who is Robin without Batman!

Looking good Boys!

You'll want to see this one

We had a Dr Seuss birthday party for Jared.

Here are the Thing 1 and Thing 2 cupcakes

Green Eggs

A Cat in the Hat cake.
Unhappy until he tasted it. . .
He tasted it and then grabbed the whole thing

Opening Gifts
And then the final gift was from Todd and I.

Here it is. . . .

Yup. That's right, Jared is going to be a Big Brother.
We are expecting #4.
Due April 14, 2011.
It was quite a surprise, but we are excited about our new addition.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Are they Brothers?

Just looking at pictures of the boys today. I've never thought Michael and Jake looked much alike. You can definately tell they belong to Todd and I, but I don't know if people would pick them out as brothers. However, after looking at photos today, I definately think Jared ties them together or is a mix of both. What do you think??

Happy Birthday Jared!!

Jared was born 1 year ago. I can't believe it. Here is a look back to see how he has changed.

On his Birth Day

Blessing in Dec

Playing with Dad in January

Memorial Day

Our Water Baby - June

August Sept
Watching his brothers play in the backyard. Sept.
His Birthday 2010!!

Opening his first present!
This in the 1st wrapped present he has ever opened. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Carter. If you listen close, Michael wants to know if it's a hampster. What!!
It was pretty funny to watch.

What have we been doing?

I feel like we have been busy, but I don't have a lot of photos to show for it.
Michael played soccer again. He even scored this year. Much more focused than last year, but still room for improvement :-)

My youngest brother Ryan was Married
Oct 9th to Laura in the Salt Lake Temple.
Welcome to the family!

My cheesy boys at the temple

Our Family

Todd was called to serve on the Stake High Council. He was ordained and set apart on the 17th. He then followed by giving his 1st talk in the 7th Ward.
Well done Todd!

Michael is now in wrestling again, which he loves. He is doing very well in kindergartern. Jake is in pre-school with Ms. Ari and Loves It! He is often upset on the days we take Michael to school and he doesn't get to go.

This week I took my 1st visit to the ER for Kidney stones. Worst Pain of my life!! Had another attack Thurs. night, but not as bad, luckily! Trudy came and stayed Monday and then my mom came Wed for a few days. It sure is nice to be taken care of once in a while.