Sunday, June 20, 2010
Our Inch Worm
And, Just because he's cute. . .
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Family Pictures

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pony Express Days Carnival
Yum! Chocolate Creamies. (Michael looks like he's fighting him, but was actually being nice and hugging him.
That's his fake, they're taking my picture, smile).
Jared got a balloon and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen him do. He would pull the string and make it bob and then crack up. Unfortunately when I tried to film it, a helicopter was flying over, so you have to listen close.
Then the boys realized it made him laugh, so they kept hitting it.
Their favorite ride was probably this slide. They would get off and run around to get right back on. (Once again I forget to not film sideways. Sorry)
My Boys
Jake wanted him to wear the hat. Too Cute!
Jake had been playing with his new train in his room when he came down like this. It is motorized and he must have set it on his head while it was running.
Jared loves to take baths. We think he looks like Jack Jack on the Incredibles.
A really big one
We Spent 2 days at Sand Hollow. One day was on the 4-wheelers, which the boys LOVE. Todd is so good to take them. But boy was it HOT!!!
We were each assigned a bedroom at the house. Jared slept in the closet because I can't sleep in the same room as him. Every noise he makes wakes me up. But he did really well. Jake and Michael slept in Family room with the "Big Boys" which they thought was great!
Jared just hung out under the canopy with me. He was so good on this trip which makes if fun for all of us.
Mother's Day Weekend Grandpa and Grandma Carter came to take the boys fishing. We went to Utah Lake. No bites but still a good time.
Jake fell in. Luckily Aunt Steph was there to pull him out AND was prepared with an extra set of clothes.
Grandma Carter and Jared.
Michael was just content with his pole and drink.
Here is a group picture from the Nielsen Easter Hunt. Snow on Easter!!
A week or so before Easter we had our Nielsen girl get away to St George. Lots of shopping . . . the back seat is pretty full in this picture too. Most of is not mine ;-)