My Dad told me earlier in the week my mom had made the boys breakfast and then went to do something (probably shower, or water the garden, or something productive )
Anyway, Michael runs into the bedroom and tells Grandpa that Jake is throwing his cocoa on the wall. Sure enough when he goes out, Jake is loading cocoa in the spoon and catapulting it against the wall.
Grandpa gave him a rag, made him clean it up, and told him if he EVER did it again, there would NEVER be anymore cocoa for Jake at Grandpa's house.
Way to be tough!

And in other news. This is a super cute conversation Michael had with Allie.
Last night he told Allie, "I love you." She said, "I love you more" to which he responeded, "I love you best." She told him, "I love you infinity". Michael thought for a minute and then said,
"I love you in California".
Oh! It makes me laugh! I guess Finity could be a place, but how does he know about California?