Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Pictures

We went to Gardner Village last Sunday to try and take some family pictures. Jake would NOT cooperate, so we thought we would share some of the photos. Notice how composed Todd is in all of them.

He's moving so fast he's a blur.....

Here Todd, you try.

NOPE, that didn't work.

It's not hide and go seek.

I'm definately getting a workout.

Here it's just a face, don't throw up.

BUT. . . we got one I love! Thanks Angie for taking them for us!


Unknown said...

those are so cute! lol jake looks like he was more than a handleful :)

Palmer family said...

Jake is a hoot! Cute pictures though. The last one with the bridge is adorable and the one above that worked out nicely too! I love gardeners village. I've only been there once but it's such a fun/cute place! Awesome time to take pictures with the fall leaves changing colors---I LOVE IT!

Eddie, Mandy, and baby boys said...

Yeah for family pics! So cute. Keep up the blogging:)

Colby and Amber Vanderbeek said...

Aw, the fun of trying to take pictures! They never seem to cooperate when you want them to! I can take other kids pictures just fine, but when it comes to my own kids, AAHHH!!!! But cute pics!