Friday, January 29, 2010

Misc in January

Here are some misc photos from January.
This is Michael's good guy, complete with legs

You can tell I'm a smitten mom, because I found his pouty lip so cute.
The boys built a snowman before the snow melted that same day. It didn't matter for the snowman though. Jake had it destroyed 5 minutes after this picture was taken. He is so destructive, it worries me a bit.

Jared has started the drool stage. He is also in physical therapy for torticollis, which is where one side of his neck is stronger than the other, so he always leans. He sits in this chair to work on neck control.

Jake, my destructive one remember, took my other glasses and completely bend the ear pieces so they faced forward instead of back. (I should have taken a picture). They were pretty new, and I didn't want to pay for completely new glasses, so the guy at Costco melted these frames to fit my old lenses. They're kind of different for me, but hopefully not too goofy.

Jared has started to laugh, and it makes us laugh.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jake's Big #3

"How old are you?"
"I'm Jakey"
So we haven't mastered the age answer yet. He is too goofy to practice and pay attention, and he thinks it is funny to have us say no, no.
He did have a good birthday though.
He got a robot and a video game, and of course big boy underwear, because we are potty training whether he wants to or not. I didn't think we need to add the underwear photo :-)

And was so excited to blow out his candles


Todd and His Look alike

I think Jared is a good mix between Michael and Jake . . . . but,
. . Is it just me, or does he look just like Todd

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Top 10

So the radio stations were doing the 10 ten from each year at New Year's and it made me think of my top 10 songs. Super hard! I can't even remember some of the popular songs and groups from when I was really little with my 1st cassette (Dolly) to now. He are some of my favorites from throughout the years, but I think I'll have to keep thinking about it, and it might change.

PS Some of the Videos with the songs were really weird, but the best I could find.