Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Todd and I were talking and even though some things are harder and more stressful for us than they have ever been, we have never felt so close, at peace, and blessed as we do at this time. I truly believe the Lord is mindful of each of our situations and when we look at what is most important in life, we can see the blessing He has poured out upon us.

It was our year to spend Thanksgiving with the Nielsen's. Trudy had a cute turkey project to make when we got there.

Yum! Oreo turkeys.

After the kids found all the hidden turkeys, we had a turkey toss.

It snowed Wednesday so the boys went out to build a snowman. Jared was right in there putting his hat on and trying to grab his shoes. Poor kid. He just wants to be with Big Brothers.

Friday we attended the Parker party and had a special guest.
(I love that my boys will not look at me when I'm saying "Look at me, Look at me" :-? I took like 10 photos and this is the best . . .

1 comment:

kevin and sandy said...

life truly is good and we are definitely blessed. Just look at your family. Those good times way out weigh the frustrating times.