Friday, November 14, 2008

The BIG one

So I'm going to say it. I'm 30. Oh the pain. I can't tell you how hard this birthday was for me. I insisted it wasn't happening. I was only going to have the 1st anniversary of my 29th. But I have decided to suck it up and deal with reality. Thanks everyone for all the phone calls and cards. And really thanks for the advice, "Don't worry, It only get's worse." It was SOOO comforting :<
Here's my nifty badge from Mandy. She said I had to wear it with pride.
Todd brought me some beautiful flowers.

Since I really couldn't deal with 30 candles, Michael blew out 1 for me on his piece of cake.


Palmer family said...

Happy Belated 30th Birthday Bridgette! I hope it was a FUN one filled with fabulous good times! Mine is this week...scary! :) We are getting old.

Eddie, Mandy, and baby boys said...

Yeah for 30. Just remember that I will always be 6 months older than you. That should make you feel better. I love your pic with the flowers and your button of 30's pride. You're blog looks super cute- I love the changes.

Spencer, Emily, Ashlee said...

You know you don't look a day over 26! You are fabulous. In fact I like you more and more everyday.

Heidi said...

Happy 30th you spring chick, you. Glad I found your blog!