Monday, June 8, 2009

It's A . . . .

We had our ultrasound this morning and found out we are having a BOY!!
Can you believe it!! 3 little boys. I'll never have a moments peace again!! Just kidding, We are very excited and are taking suggestions on names :>


Spencer, Emily, Ashlee said...

Oh another cute little Neilsen boy! I am soooo excited! =)

Heidi said...

I didn't even know!!! Holy cow! Congrats!

Angie said...

Come join the "All Boy Club" with me! :) He will have plenty of boy cousins to play with!

Colby and Amber Vanderbeek said...

Congrats! Only 2 more and you'll have a basketball team!

Jenny said...

Hahaha you have the boy jinx too!! Love em love em though :) We probably wouldn't know what to do with girls!

Eddie, Mandy, and baby boys said...

Yeah for boys. They sure do keep us busy:) We look forward to hanging out with you in Utah.

Palmer family said...

You are won't have any moments of peace! Jk You will. You might just have to lock yourself in the closet though to get them. :) Again, I am kidding. I am EXCITED for you guys!
You are such a wonderful Mom and I know that you will be wonderful w/ 3 boys. Good luck w/ the rest of your pregnancy. Rest NOW and I hope it all goes smoothly.
As far as names clue. Names are always hard for us. I will have to think about it a little I guess.
PS- we might get a group of RICKS people together (Brian Ebert, Eric Gridley, etc.) for a picnic at the end of July (28th or 29th) at a park somewhere near SLC. will you be around? would you be interested? let me know.

Basset Clan said...

Hey sis I just want ya know I am very excited for the new little one but I wont lie I was really hoping for a little girl for you so Zuri would have a little girl cousin to play with But the 4th one is the charm right!! We are excited and you have been so blessed to be able to have children what a blessing. The only boy name I can think of is Easton I was acually thinking of naming zuri this if she was a boy I thought it was a cute name. love ya tons Jenn Bassett